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  • Writer's pictureDerya Kelnebioglu

The salty city...

Hello, welcome to my blog! This blog I will tell you about my weekend trip to Salt Lake City, Utah, and Wendover, Nevada. It was a fun weekend with great friends.

On Friday, we drove up to Salt Lake City to see our friend Samy compete in the Miss Africa Utah Pageant. It was so cool to experience a little piece of the different cultures in Africa. After the pageant we went to an Easter Party at a friends house and I have never seen a dog so big in my life. I almost died of heart attack. It seemed as if Elsa of Frozen had frozen me. I stood so frozen!

The next day, we started at Mill Pond in Stansbury Park. It was so beautiful there and we went out to the dock. My awesome friend Lexie drove us out to The Great Salt Lake. We walked out to the water and took pictures. It smelled pretty bad, but it was cool to see how Salt Lake City earned its namesake.

For dinner ate at the Pie Underground by the University of Utah and it rocked. It is a pizza place that is in a basement. It is not advertised really well outside so it’s a bit of a shock when you walk in and see the graffiti everywhere. BEST PIZZA I HAVE EVER HAD. While we were talking in the car, we discovered that we were not too far from where high school musical had been filmed so we went to East High School too. For those who don’t know this movie.

Capitol Hill offered us views that did not disappoint. After showing us around the building, Lexie took us to a lookout point in the neighborhood above that was so beautiful.

For the first time in my life colored Easter eggs and got my first taste of the Easter traditions. Lexie’s mom made us delicious food and made me miss my mom. On our last day, Shelly drove us out to the Bonneville Salt Flats. The ground is entirely made up of salt left over from Lake Bonneville when Utah was entirely under water. It was so cool to go out and really see how Barren it is. Salt for miles and miles. We drove a little farther into Wendover. It is a little gambling town on the border of Utah and Nevada that houses an airfield that was used to train piolets in WW2. We got to go inside a large cargo plane from the war that was used in several movies. From there we got to go to a museum and climb up a big observation tower that overlooked the desert and the airfield.

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