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  • Writer's pictureDerya Kelnebioglu

Friends never say goodbye…

Time flies! Five months ago, on January 3th 2018 I was flying from Amsterdam to Las Vegas to start a new journey. Study abroad in America for one semester. Leaving my family and friends and I didn’t know what to expect.

The first two weeks were tough. But then I started to get to know more and more people. People I see as real friends and with whom I have created a good relationship. That's why I handover the following poem to you all.

My Special List

I have a list of folks I know all written in a book, And every now and then I go and take a look. That is when I realize these names, they are a part, not of the book they're written in but taken from the heart.

For each name stands for someone who has crossed my path sometime, and in that meeting they have become the reason and the rhyme. Although it sounds fantastic for me to make this claim, I really am composed of each remembered name.

For when I send a greeting that is addressed to you, it is because you're on the list of folks I'm indebted to. So whether I have known you for many days or few, in some ways you have a part in shaping things I do.

I am but a total of many folks I've met, you are a friend I would prefer never to forget. Thank you for being my friend!

I'll never forget the people that I have met here.

Thank you for being there for me, having fun with me, doing crazy things with, helping me, and sharing time with me. I’m happy that I met a person like you. I’ll never forget the time that we spent in this awesome, epic, and crazy semester.


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